Curt Norcini
Curt Norcini holds the level of 3rd degree Black Belt, under the supervision and instruction of Ernie Kirk and Krav Maga Universal (KMU). He also holds a Purple Belt in Brazilian Jujitsu. He attained his Krav Maga Instructor Certification in October of 2009 and is currently a Krav Maga instructor at KMU and Kirk’s Martial Arts in Glen Mills, PA. Curt has assisted in the training of US Homeland Security personnel (Philadelphia Office), the West Chester Police Department and The Chester County Regional SWAT team. He has also assisted with instruction at United States Air Force, Air Advisor Academy, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ. And has participated in training as OPFOR for Tier 1 operators and law enforcement. Curt has also instructed in numerous seminars in the area of Women’s Self Defense. He is certified by the NRA – Pistol, Basic PPOTH and Advanced PPOTH. Curt has lectured in the topic of Self- Defense vs. Retribution- Use of Force for Krav Maga Instructors at the 2013 PMA Martial Arts Symposium in Orlando Florida. He also sits on the Advisory Board of KMU and NW Self-Defense Education. Professionally, Curt is a board member of the Chester County Bar Association and the Chester County Bar Foundation, a Solicitor to the Chester County Register of Wills, Assistant Solicitor and Treasurer to the Republican Committee of Chester County and a practicing Criminal Defense attorney and founding partner at the Omnis Law Group, LLC in Media, Pennsylvania.